Class BTO1


Horse Secretary: Louise Johnson
Pippins, Cranbrook Road, Benenden, Kent TN17 4EU
Tel: 07860 676884

HORSE ENTRIES CLOSE: 30th April 2024

(There will be an additional £10 admin fee for late entries)


(inclusive of VAT)
  Members Non Members
Ridden Classes £15 £22
RIHS Qualifiers  £26 £32
In Hand Classes £14 £20
Driving Classes £12 £15


Entries in Class 1st 2nd 3rd
1-2 £50.00    
3-4 £50.00 £40.00  
5 and more £50.00 £40.00 £30.00
Ridden Horses and Driving      
Entries in Class 1st 2nd 3rd
1-2 £30.00    
3-4 £30.00 £20.00  
5 and more £30.00 £20.00 £15.00
In Hand Classes      

Entries in Class

1st 2nd 3rd
1-2 £25.00    
3-4 £25.00 £15.00  
5 and more £25.00 £15.00 £12.00


Rosettes to 6th place.



See Rule 13 below)

No of Animals

Non member 
Admission Tickets

1 or 2 3
3 or 4 4
5 or 6 5



In the event of Show cancelation fees will be refunded less 10% to cover administration costs.

  1. It is the responsibility of exhibitors to insure all property and livestock which is brought on to the Showground and which is his/ her own, or for which he/she is responsible. The Show requires exhibitors to effect Employers' Liability insurance where this is required by statute. The Show also requires exhibitors to effect Public Liability insurance and Products Liability insurance. The Show therefore requires that all exhibitors ensure that they have the appropriate insurance cover for showing purposes.
  2.  All entries must be accompanied by the correct remittance.
  3. Entries are received on condition that the Show accepts no responsibility for any loss, damage or accident etc., which may be sustained to vehicles, horses, persons or any property whatsoever.
  4. Closing date for entries is 30th April 2024, late entries up to 17th May will be subject to Late Entry Fee of £10.
  5. The Show reserves the right to combine two or more classes forward on Show Day if insufficient entries.  
  6. The Show reserves the right to disqualify or refuse the entry of any exhibitor for any reason they may deem unfit.
  7. In line with National Guidelines and Horse Welfare, all animals ridden anywhere on the showground, rings or lorry parks (day or night),must only be ridden by a rider whose size and weight does not compromise the animal’s welfare. We are operating under the 20% rider weight guideline where the rider in full riding attire with full tack must be less than 20% of the animal’s body weight. This is based on a relatively fit, healthy animal, as an overweight animal is also a welfare concern. Should it be deemed this is NOT the case the Show reserves the right to disqualify the exhibitor.
  8. Forfeiture of Fees. Failure to exhibit any animal entered will entail forfeiture of entry fees and no refund will be made in any circumstances.
  9. Objections or any matter involving the judging of a class shall be submitted in writing to the Show Secretary within 60 minutes of the judging of the event being completed, accompanied by a deposit of £25.00, non-returnable, if the objection is overruled. Any objection will be considered by the Show Secretary with two members of the relevant Show Committee.
  10. Rapping in the collecting ring or anywhere on or in the vicinity of the Showground is strictly prohibited.
  11. Riders must keep to the Official Exercising Grounds and must use the Horse Walks for access to all rings on the Showground.
  12. Exhibitors must abide by the rules of the governing body of the association under whom they are exhibiting.
  13. Anybody RIDING a horse/pony on the Showground or LEADING a horse/pony on the Horse Walk, in the Collecting Ring or in the Show Rings must be wearing a hat approved by the governing body of the association under whom they are exhibiting if so required by that governing body or association. All competitors in the jumping phase of the Working Hunter classes must wear correctly secured Skull Caps/Riding Hats that meet one of the current Safety Standards as set out by the British Horse Society - see link 2022-bhs-approvals-hat-guide-v1.pdf.  Exhibitors must wear a hat if entering the ring, unless the governing body under which the class is being shown stipulates otherwise,  when the exhibitor must have signed and returned to the Secretary prior to show day a Heathfield Agricultural Show waiver form.  
  14. Exhibitors Admission Tickets and Vehicle Passes: All non-member exhibitors will be supplied with wristbands on a strict scale according to the number of animals entered, plus a vehicle pass. (Members will have their members’ badges). It should be noted that all passes are issued for the use of the exhibitor only and are strictly non transferable. Any person (whether owner, servant, driver or rider) not carrying an admission ticket must pay the appropriate charge at the gate. Additional tickets may be purchased on line (at the advanced price).
  15. Vehicle Parking: To be allowed access to the designated parking area apart from the public car parks, all vehicles must carry an exhibitor’s vehicle pass showing the exhibitor’s name and telephone number. No vehicle access will be allowed to any other areas of the Showground unless prior arrangements have been made.
  16. All changes to ring timings, etc., will be on the website prior to show day and displayed on a white board in the collecting rings. If in doubt, please check with the Show Secretary.
  17. Safety. The organiser's of this Show have taken reasonable precautions to ensure the health and safety of everyone present. For these measures to be effective, everyone must take all reasonable precautions to avoid and prevent accidents occurring and must obey the instructions of the organiser's and all the Officials and Stewards. Animals must not be left unattended or left unsupervised when tied up to vehicles on any part of the showground at any time. No wheeled items, prams, pushchairs or mobility aids are allowed in the horse walk, collecting and judging rings, except the approved vehicles in the driving classes or any vehicles approved by the Show.
  18. The use of mobile phones is not permitted within judging rings.
  19. VETERINARY: The Heathfield Show Veterinary Officer’s decision is final.  a) Contagion: Every exhibitor of any animal which to their knowledge is suffering from any contagious or infectious disease, or which has been in contact with any animal suffering as such, shall pay the Show £50 as compensation and for liquidated damages for each and every animal so sent. In addition, in the event of the Show’s Vet certifying that any animal sent for exhibition is in his opinion a possible source of danger, such animal shall be removed with due speed by the Participant, from the Showground, or be otherwise managed as per the Vet’s direction with a view to averting the spread of contagion.  b) It is a condition of entry that in the event of a serious accident to an animal and on the recommendation of the Show Vet that the animal be euthanized all efforts will be made to contact the animal’s owner for consent to euthanize. If the owner cannot be found within a reasonable period of time, a police officer on site will be asked to provide written authority as empowered under the Protection of Animals Act 2006. If emergency veterinary treatment is required at the Show, exhibitors will be responsible for the cost of any medication or drugs used in the treatment of their animals and payment must be made direct to the veterinary officer at the time of treatment.  c) Any animal that is receiving veterinary treatment at the time of the Show should not be entered unless the owner has had the animal examined by their own Vet and it is safe for them to enter the Show. However, animals still showing evidence of disease will not be permitted to be shown.
  20. Vaccination: It is required that all horses and ponies entering the Showground are vaccinated and the exhibitor must be able to produce a vaccination certificate, which undeniably relates to that animal, completed, signed and stamped by a veterinary surgeon, who is not the owner of the animal, stating that it has received 3 primary vaccinations against Equine Influenza, the first two given not less than 21 days and no more than 92 days apart with a follow up injection 150-215 days later. In addition a booster injection must be recorded as having been given within each succeeding twelve months. None of these injections must have been given within the preceding seven days, including the day of the Show. Spot checks will be carried out on Show Day.
  21. All horses must comply with current legislation. There will be random checks during the Show Day and Horse Passports and/or microchips.
  22. Once a class has started exhibitors will only be permitted to enter the judging ring with the express permission of the judge.
  23. Qualifying cards that are required to be signed by the judge must be signed in the ring.
  24. Exhibitors should carefully read the Rules of the Show and by making an entry to the Show the exhibitor is expressly agreeing to comply with the aforementioned Rules.
  25. HORSE ENTRIES CLOSE: 30th April 2024. Late entries will be accepted up to 17th MAY 2024 on line only (there will be an additional £10 administration fee per late entry.)


Show More Details
Class BTO1: Best Turned Out Class 157 Entry Fee: £0.00 This class is not currently open.